Two kinds of access: manual & synchronized
Manual access requires approval by an access coordinator and is granted on a case by case basis. Visit requesting access to learn more about requesting access.
Synchronized access is tied to campus data such as course enrollment or program of study. When you campus data changes, so does your access. See below for more information regarding current doors on campus having synchronized access. If you think you should have synchronized access and do not, reach out to
Some electronic locks at S&T are configured to allow synchronized access to certain groups of people based upon student degree program, course enrollment, student status or department of employment. This data is sychronized with data sources on campus such as registrar and HR data. For example, when you change your degree program to one of the programs listed below, you are automatically given access to specific doors. Similarly, changing your degree program to a different program removes your access privilege.
Synchronized access means that your access to buildings is connected to campus data. When your campus data updates, so does your access. Students are granted automatic access based on degree program and course enrollment (see tables below).
Employees that are employed by the departments below are given access to the associated rooms listed.
We update the data in the MinerLocks system daily, and more frequently depending on the type of data being updated. Visit Update Schedule to learn more.